Reload the Crads!

Robert James Koyich
2 min readMar 31, 2022

Today, I checked the balances on The Giving Group’s grocery cards. We have 22x active $25/month cards, which means we’re sharing $550/month of money for groceries for our cardholders. It’d be amazing to gather more people to give to our program (one of our pages is ‘The Giving Group’ on Patreon), and I’d love for us to easily reach the level of 50x $50/month cards year. To provide that much support, we need to bring in $3,000+/month to increase our reserve funds, yet as of today, we have $2,200 in our account.

I started The Giving Group by the name The Seed Fund back in 2018, and though we’re still tiny, I appreciate the friends and contacts who’ve given to The Giving Group. Part of the royalties of my book The Sands of Yesterday go to The Giving Group too, so if you’re up for a good read, find the book by searching ‘Robert Koyich’ on Amazon books.

What are you creating for? Have your reasons shifted? Are you not creating anything yet still wanting to make a difference? If you had any creative talent you could choose, what would you do?

I chose music more than a decade ago, and though I hadn’t gained traction with music, I have 300+ recordings I’ve made. Again, if you search ‘Robert Koyich’ on Spotify, you’ll find five playable albums.

As is, I’m glad to create. I have work to do on three different Fountain books at this time. One is a final review, another to block and start the second draft, and the third to write the base text. Those three Fountains are The Fountains of Attuned Hope.

It’s all neat and groovy to make things, yet who wants to read or listen?

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Robert James Koyich

Author of The Fountains Series. Creative and Contialitic. Developing with an Introversial prerogative.